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Are American Bullies the Same as Pitbulls?

Although sometimes people use the breed names interchangeably, American Bullies are not the same as Pitbulls. Because the terms are so frequently misused to label and identify dogs, and because of the physical similarities between the dogs, it can be hard to tell them apart.

This becomes especially confusing for dog lovers online who read from Reddit: “American Bullies are a type of pit bull breed. So are Bully XLs, Staffordshire terriers, etc”.

Because Pitbull is itself a word that gets misused, and Pitbulls and American Bullies look so much alike, many dog lovers are confused about what breed of dog they are looking at. Want to learn more about the breeds? Here are some of the similarities and differences to keep in mind.

About American Bullies

While Pitbulls are an older breed, the American Bully has only recently been recognized by the United Kennel Club (though not the American Kennel Club). The American Bully became a recognized breed in 2013 and is a companion dog that was first developed by combining the American Pitbull Terrier, the American Bulldog, the Olde English Bulldogge, and the English Bulldog.

There are three recognized sizes of American Bully dogs: XL (20-23 inches at the withers/shoulders for males, and 19-22 inches at the withers for females), Standard (17-20 inches at the withers for males and 16-19 inches at the withers for females), and Pocket (under 17 inches at the withers for males and under 16 inches for females).

American Bullies infographic

Temperament and Physical Characteristics

This breed, regardless of which size, should be friendly and gentle dogs who excel as family dogs. American Bullies should not ever display aggressive behavior towards humans, and to do so would be a serious breed fault. American Bullies should be blocky and have a large and broad head that is proportionate to the dog's size. The breed should have a square, broad and deep chest giving them a powerful appearance.

Unfortunately, while American Bullies are a distinct breed, the confusion about them persists in conversations on places like Reddit. Here, anti-bully breed extremists share uninformed ideas like “these dogs are not loyal, not obedient, cannot be trained, and could turn and kill your son.” In reality, while no breed of dog is inherently dangerous, children should always be closely supervised around any dog. American Bullies should be friendly companion dogs, and many make excellent family pets if given the right socialization and training.

About The American Pitbull Terrier

The American Pitbull Terrier is a breed of dog recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC), though at this time they are not recognized by the American Kennel Club as a breed. Pitbulls in accordance with their UKC breed standard, should be physically powerful looking with a large and broad head. Males stand 18-21 inches at the withers (shoulders), and females are 17-20 inches at the withers.

The breed dates to the nineteenth century in England where dog fanciers combined the hunting drive of a terrier with the strength of bulldogs to create a strong muscular dog with a drive to work. These dogs were brought to the United States, where many became used as farm dogs. The UKC first recognized the American Pitbull Terrier in 1898.

Breed Identification

Pitbull is also a term that gets used to identify different mixed breeds of dogs that look a specific way. Pitbull has become a catchall term to refer to any medium-sized, strong, short-coated blocky dog. These may be mixes of bulldogs, boxers, bull terriers. Dogs of a variety of breeds and breed mixes including Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Dogo Argentino, Cane Corso, and others are frequently misinterpreted as being Pitbulls or "pit bull-type" dogs.

Temperament and Characteristics

Pitbulls should be strong and confident dogs. The breed makes excellent companions for families and are naturally athletic. While many Pitbulls are social with other dogs, the breed can have some level of dog aggression. Because of this, socialization, training, and careful management are always going to be important with this breed. They are not a breed that generally enjoys activities like dog parks. Pitbulls however, should not ever be aggressive towards people.

Common Misconceptions

As a dog trainer, I frequently see the misconceptions people have about both American Bullies and Pitbulls. There is an unfair stereotype that American Bullies and Pitbulls are mean, dangerous, and aggressive dogs. This is simply not true.

These breeds of dogs can make wonderful companions and great family pets.
However, both breeds need early socialization and training. They are also not the right breed of dog for everyone.

Before getting any dog, it’s important to thoroughly research the temperament of a particular breed. A Pitbull or an American Bully isn't going to have the same temperament as a Golden Retriever who generally will be friends with everyone. However, that does not make either breed bad, dangerous, or aggressive. Make sure that any breed dog you are looking at is going to fit into your family and lifestyle in terms of energy level, size, as well as temperament.

American Bullies & Pitbull Terriers as Pets:

American Bullies and Pitbulls are strong, large active dogs who need regular exercise and enrichment. This makes them great companions for active people looking to spend a lot of quality time with their dogs.

No breed of dog is going to be the right type of pet for every family. If you’re looking for a dog to go hiking with you every weekend a toy breed might not be right for you. However, if you’re looking for an active athletic dog who bonds closely with their owners, an American Bully or Pitbull could be the right dog for you.

Both breeds are loyal to their families and enjoy staying active. Both can make great pets, but neither is generally recommended for first-time dog owners. In part, this is because they can be wary of strangers, and are not always dog-friendly.

Training is Important for All Dogs:

All dogs benefit from training, and it’s necessary when bringing home either of these breeds of dogs. American Bullies and Pitbulls are powerful breeds and without training can be difficult to live with. Both breeds should only be trained utilizing positive reinforcement training methods. Positive Reinforcement has been scientifically proven to be the most effective way to train dogs. It helps foster a positive relationship between dogs and handlers.

All dogs should learn basic obedience skills like how to come when called. Training can also include advanced activities like Dog Agility and other sports.

Legal Considerations with Bully Breeds:

There are also social and legal considerations that can’t be overlooked before bringing home either an American Bully or a Pitbull. If raised properly, both breeds can make great pets. However, because of the misconceptions and irresponsible owners, both breeds are often targeted and discriminated against.

In some countries like the United Kingdom, it is illegal to own either a Pitbull or an American Bully dog. Even in the United States, some cities and other jurisdictions also have enacted Breed Specific Legislation or BSL. This legislation makes it illegal to have one of the banned breeds visit or live in the area.

Even if the breeds are allowed in your area, your housing might reject you for owning one. If you live in an apartment, condo, or have a homeowner’s association, check if they ban certain breeds. Many do, and these breed lists often will include both American Bullies and Pitbulls.

If you own your own home, you may also have difficulty obtaining homeowners insurance if you own one of these types of dogs. In this case, regardless of how kind or well-trained your dog is, you could still be denied housing.


Picking the right breed of dog to bring home is a very personal choice. American Bullies and Pitbulls can and do make wonderful companion dogs for many people. If you want to add one of these dogs to your family, do your research. Make sure the temperament is a good fit for what you want in a pet. Also, be prepared to commit to training and socializing your new puppy to help them grow into a well-behaved and well-adjusted dog.

Unfortunately, the stereotypes and misinformation about American Bullies and Pitbulls persists. Although some people’s minds will never be changed, loving and responsibly owning these breeds can help improve public perception of these dogs.

When you hear or see people make uninformed comments about these dogs, it can also be helpful to interrupt with the truth. This can help stop the spread of harmful misinformation and teach people about how wonderful these dogs actually are.


If you've had experiences with American Bullies or Pitbulls, share your insights in the comments below. How have you helped educate others about these breeds and their characteristics?

About The Author

Sassafras Lowrey Author Photo

Sassafras Patterdale

Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA, CTDI)

Sassafras Patterdale CPDT-KA, CTDI - is a celebrated author and dog trainer. Sassafras’ books have been honored by organizations ranging from the American Library Association to the Dog Writers Association.

Sassafras is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA), a Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI), American Kennel Club Trick Dog/Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, American Kennel Club FIT DOG Instructor, and Fear Free Certified Professional. Sassafras’ multi-media work with dogs focuses on engagement, enrichment, play, and competitive trick training.

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Aaron Armstrong on Feb 23, 2025

How is this breed around horses, and cattle? Oh I have young grandchildren.


I have raised Pit Bulls all my life and I am 76 years old. Three years ago, I got my first American Bully, an Extreme. She is a giant 85 lb mass of muscle and thinks she is a lap puppy. She is the most gentle dog and would not harm a fly. She is curious about the cats but only smells them.
When I raised Pit Bulls, I also had three children. I have watched my toddlers playfully wrestle with my pit bulls and it was all fun.

Dead Pixel on Feb 03, 2025

Claiming that pitbulls aren’t dangerous or aggressive is some of the most grievous nonsense I’ve ever heard. Statistics would disagree with you.

Bobby Johnson on Feb 02, 2025

I agree that all dogs can be trained into loving companions, especially to thier owners. But to say that pitbulls (of any kind) are sweet loving dogs is totally incorrect and when you say this people beleive you and owners of these breeds think they have this wonderful loving dog and they probably do, to them the dog is that , so they tend to think that their pitbulls are nice to every one else too and they are not. Let’s be real, pitbulls are very very dangerous especially to other dogs and even more so to dogs that are smaller than them, no matter what you say they are dogs and the terrior in them wants to attack and they do Pitbull owners have been a problem for us because the owners ( everywhere) we go think it is okay to take the leash off of their pitbulls like other do with their labs , retrievers , German shepherds, etc , and they cannot Because pitbulls are not that kind of dog period, to make them nice to other people is a task that takes a lot of work and even more work and training ( almost impossible) to make them to want to attack other dogs . I have pitbulls and have had them for years , I have spent a lot of time and money on my dogs and that is why I do not let them around other dogs that are not within our home. I also have dogs that are not pitbulls and yes I can bring them around other dogs and they are great with socializing at parks and anywhere else around people and kids and small dogs and also big dogs it’s okay but not my pits even though when I come home my pits are just as happy and will cuddle with us and do tricks and be awsome big babies but I cannot ( have tried so many times) bring them around others It is tooooo risky , it’s like they have an extra force inside of them that makes them very weary of other people and a very strong instinct to want to attack other dogs ( especially smaller male dogs) you have to know this. As a writer that’s informing many other people you should express these dangers instead of misguiding people into thinking that this is not true about pitbulls. That these are just rumors or just because of bad owners. I am not a bad owners at all I am very responsible with all of my dogs but I know that I can take my mini pin and my lab to the dog park and take off their leash and they will play and have fun and will not be aggressive at all even if other dogs are, but there is no way I would do that with my pits, they will attack other dogs period and so will yours if you have one. If you are more truthful or more experienced than you would not misinform your readers when saying that these are only rumors and bad owners Because these are facts about any pitbull breed, this is why they are used as attack dogs and guard dogs because that is what they do And that is what they were and still are used for on farms and anywhere else you need them to protect. Be real and take this serious it’s not just a stereotype it is a fact about any pitbull big or small . They are like this at only days old and anyone that has had a puppy pit knows what I mean when I say that they are much differant than other dogs even as brand new puppies they are very aggressive and it is very hard to get that out of them, it’s even kind of mean actually , like taking the retrieving out of a retriever why? Because your are wanting a nice loving cuddle dog but also a strong enough dog to protect you You can wish in one hand and shit in the other hand guess which one is guaranteed. Jus sayin

Darcy Lemmon on Feb 02, 2025

I’ve had my micro bully for 3 years now and had someone break into my place while my dog and I were there, the guy tried to get pushy with me of course my dog attacked him. Now he’s aggressive to anyone who comes to my door has actually snipped at me for trying to put him in another room so I could let my friend in. He’s always been around people and other dogs and I’ve never had any trouble until now. There’s no way he’s going anywhere but how can I solve this problem? Thank you

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