The Olde English Bulldogge is one of the most distinctive looking bully breeds in the canine world. Despite being famous for their iconic appearances, there...
In years past, Bulldogs have been stereotyped as unpredictable and aggressive bully breed. Fortunately with the advent of responsible pet ownership campaigns, it is now...
Although sometimes people use the breed names interchangeably, American Bullies are not the same as Pitbulls. Because the terms are so frequently misused to label...
The Most Popular Bully Breeds in the United States. Created by: NowSourcing. Presented by Bully Max LLC. Share this Infographic On Your SitePlease include attribution to...
Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs are popular family pets because they are friendly, affectionate and charming. They may be difficult to distinguish from each other...
If you have any interest in dogs, you’ve surely heard about bully breeds. But what are bully breed dogs, exactly? What makes a dog a bully breed? And what kind of dogs are they? There’s also a good chance you’ve heard rumors about bully dogs—perhaps you’ve heard that they’re aggressive, or unpredictable, or maybe you’ve […]
The French Bulldog is a popular breed because of their friendly and charming nature. They enjoy indoor play and snoozing, which makes them adapt well...
Wondering if your Pitbull is at a healthy size? Understanding the healthy pitbull weight is important because knowing how to monitor and adjust your pitbull’s size appropriately could be vital to their longevity and well-being. Pitbulls are genetically built for muscularity and size. Because pit bulls have a unique body type, you can’t necessarily judge […]
Here at Bully Max, we love all dogs of every shape, size, and color. There’s not a single dog breed out there that’s not unique and lovable in its own way. However, there’s just something special to be appreciated about medium sized dogs. They’re big enough to play with, they’re small enough to take most […]
Well-trained service dogs are like four-legged heroes. They’re invaluable allies for a variety of mental, emotional, and physical health challenges. Here at Bully Max, we know that many of you are also nothing short of heroic. We have a lot of customers who are veterans facing PTSD and other challenges. Because service dogs can have […]