Colostrum is a food supplement for dogs, livestock animals and humans. There are many health claims to this supplement, from allergy management to treatment of...
TruMune is a postbiotic derived from the fermentation product of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This proprietary dry product includes residual yeast cells and yeast cell wall fragments....
Nail trimming is an essential part of the grooming routine of dogs. It prevents various problems caused by overgrown nails. In fact, learning to cut...
Dog diarrhea is a clinical sign of many diseases characterized by loose or unformed stools. It is associated with mild or severe conditions. Minor cases can often be resolved quickly with simple treatments. Still, they may become serious if treatment is not begun early enough. Whereas severe cases may be the result of serious or […]
Osteoarthritis in dogs is a common problem. A study in 2015 suggests that one in four of 77.2 million pet dogs in the United States are diagnosed with some form of arthritis with osteoarthritis being the highest, affecting about 25% of the population. Osteoarthritis is the inflammation of the synovial joints. This degenerative joint disease […]
Did you know that by the time a dog reaches 2 years old, there’s an 80% chance that it will have some sort of periodontal disease? It’s a sad, but true fact: teeth and gum issues are extremely common in dogs. And that’s especially true of smaller dogs, which are more likely to experience dental […]
Nobody enjoys having an upset stomach—and that goes for dogs just as much as it does for people. But if your dog does have an upset stomach, the only way to help them find relief is first to figure out what’s causing their symptoms in the first place. Unfortunately, your dog can’t simply tell you […]
Just like humans, dogs aren’t always going to be perfectly healthy. They have to deal with upset stomachs from time to time, just like we do. Mild stomach problems are usually treatable at home with some simple care strategies and natural remedies. However, more serious symptoms may require a trip to the vet to diagnose […]
If you recently discovered that your dog has a low or high white blood cell count, you may be feeling scared or confused. What does this mean? Is your dog sick? What can you do to fix it? The first thing to understand is that white blood cells are used to defend the body against […]
When it comes to our four-legged friends, it’s important that we treat our dog’s health as seriously as our own. Something you’ll want to help your dog with is maintaining a healthy weight. An overweight or underweight dog can both face troublesome issues. On one hand, the American Heart Association warns that dogs who carry […]
Separation anxiety can be a big challenge. It’s natural for dogs to form an attachment to their owners, but that doesn’t mean they should turn into a basketcase or destroy the house every time you go somewhere without them. Maybe your dog becomes anxious and distressed whenever you leave the house. Maybe your dog gets […]